gearbox swap


Hi all.Right before any body starts spitting feathers,I would like help from Daihatsu owners for some info.
I own a land rover thats been fitted with a 2.8td engine and gearbox,the engine is great,the gearbox however has had it.The gearbox is a 4 speed unit and I would like to replace it with a 5 a simple question.Is it a strait swap.thats it.I hope you can forgive me for not having a whole Daihatsu but at least ive got a good bit.thanks.
Dave Brown.

5-speed is longer?

I'm not 100% on this, but having taken apart a 5-speed box from an Independent, the 5th speed is basically and add-on 'gear up' from the layshaft that hangs out of the back of the box.

There is an extra section of casing on the back of the box to accommodate this.

The upshot of this is that I suspect the 5-speed box and transfer extends further backwards. Be prepared to start shortening the rear propshaft by an inch or so and maybe increasing the front one by the same amount.

Spot on. This is exactly

Spot on. This is exactly the case. The transfur is about 4" further back, maybe 6.
The other prob is you really need an F50 / F20 5 speed. These were only fitted to the last of this modle (A reg roughly). This is becouse the later Fourtraks have car type hand breakes that opperat the rear wheel breakes. The earlier F50 / 20 has the same transmition hand break as a Landi.
Asuming you have the F50 engine? 2.5 Diesel. If so the F50 5 speed, or an F70 (Later 2.8 Diesel) will bolt straight up. The F20 (1.6 Petrol) gearbox will bolt up by changing the bell housing for the one you have (4 bolts).
I'm told it is possible to fit either a 5 speed box to a 4 speed transfur, or the other way round, but I can't remember which.

Any veiws expresed in this thread by me are purely from my own experience, and (sometimes) falible memory. Hope my comments help, but please don't take them as gospel.

Any veiws expresed in this thread by me are purely from my own experience, and (sometimes) falible memory. Hope my comments help, but please don't take them as gospel.