Do you think this site needs either a FAQ or Sticky Posts thread for questions asked?

Yes. It would be quicker to resolve a problem.
96% (303 votes)
No. I like to search for hours on end or just post up a thread without knowing its been answered before.
4% (12 votes)
Total votes: 315


1993 charade 1.3 auto help needed obtaining parts

Hi all, we have 1993 charade, pretty sure i've seen G102 stamped somewhere on it. Having trouble obtaining an offside cv joint, my mechanic says it has 21 and 24 teeth and he says he can't locate one, only a 19/24 teeth one. Would be really grateful if someone could suggest somewhere i could try to get one, or if someone knows the part number so i could try and find one. Also he says that one of the back brakes isn't doing much and is pretty sure the problem is down to the brake fluid distribution valve on the bulkhead, so need to locate one of these too. Would be extremely grateful for any help with locating these parts as we both love this little car, and we bought it a couple of years ago from an elderly lady, who had owned it from new and had only done 26 k miles in it.