The site upgrade has been completed and the majority of the issues which appeared as a result have now been resolved. The only issues which remain are the posts currently do not identify the country of the poster, and couple of users have reported issue with one of the sidebars.
The main update of the site has been completed. However there are still a number of bugs with updated version of the site. The layout is currently not as tidy as previous versions, Facebook integration is currently broken, and Smileys are not being converted into images. Hopefully these 3 issues will be fixed in the next few days along with any other issues i find.
Assassin as shared his expertise again and written 3 new How It Works articles. This time they concentrate on vehicle wiring and the wiring of vehicles. They are definitely worth reading should you be tempted to do anything with vehicle electrics.
You can now purchase instantly downloadable versions of the service manuals on the site. Simply click the Service Manuals option in the menu bar and you will be able to purchase downloadable version without having to wait and pray that a CD version manages to reach you without the postman "acquiring it" because its CD shaped
We have another new article written by site member assassin. The new article is called "Off Road Modifications – Intermediate". Check it out in the How It Works section of the site.
I am pleased to announce that we have 2 new moderators who will help in monitoring the site, and keeping things running how we all like. The moderators are ews and smokin. Remember if you have any problems with the site you can contact me or either ews or smokin who should hopefully be able to help.
As some of you will have noticed the site has been down for the past few days. This was due to a glitch in the database, and as I am away from my own computer at the moment so have been unable to fix it until now.
With the increase of spammers and looking at the last time the current Moderators Mike and Dave H last logged in, it is very clear that Mike no longer uses the site as last logged in over 2 years ago, and has been 6 months since Dave H's last login, that need 2 more moderators.
I have currently disabled the ability to subscribe to anything on the site as I have noticed that overnight its been going mad and sending out loads of emails to people about whole load of posts whether they've subscribed to them or not.