Welcome to Daihatsu Drivers. The main site for Daihatsu Owners in the UK. This is a leading resource used by loads of Daihatsu Owners in the UK as well as around the world.
To become a basic member of the site it is simple and it is FREE. You get access to all areas of the site and are able to post on the forum to chat about Daihatsu's, and you are even able to post pictures of your Daihatsu in our gallery so people can instantly view your pride and joy.
Aspects of the site have been updated to meet with GDPR compliance, so everyone using the site will need to take note of the updated Terms of Service and updated Privacy Policy which are linked to at the bottom of every page on the site. You are also able to download all information we hold for you within your profile settings when logged in. These are typically the details you entered when you first signed up, so won't be a surprise but we now have to offer the ability anyway.
The site update has now been completed, with a shiny new look, updated features, and a design which adapts to what type of device the site is being viewed on. The other major change is the address of the site. The official address of the site is now www.daihatsu-drivers.uk and no longer www.daihatsu-drivers.co.uk.
Have been busy the past few months testing out updating the software running the site to the latest version. The new version provides a lot of backend improvements and security enhancements. Also most importantly provides support for site being viewed on Tablets and Smartphones. Over the past 2 years the viewing of the site on Tablets and Smartphones has grown to current 56% and is showing the sign of increasing so support for these platforms is essential.
As some of you may have noticed, as it happened at what is usually one of the busiest times of the week, the site went down around 8pm tonight. This was caused by a problem with the backend database server (holds all the site content, posts, etc). It looks like the problem might of been building up for a while and potentially means some forum posts or replies may not of appeared on the site. The issue has now been resolved, and the site is now back and you should now be able to post to the site again without issue.
This is an appeal to any existing members, an additional moderator is required. Tasks would involve checking any spam posts, cleaning up duplicate posts, moving them to correct categories, and new task of approving or declining membership requests.
As you will have noticed, the site now requests your permission for it to set a cookie. This is due to a new EU Law coming in to force at the end of the May that any sites which need to set a cookie has to specifically ask permission. As the site uses cookies to validate you login, and limited tracking so you know what posts you've read or not you have to allow permission in order to be able to login and affectively use the site.
A number of you may have not been able to post any new topics the past few days. After being notified of the problem this evening I have traced and fixed the problem, so you should now be able to post new forum topics, and also post classified ads again.
The Classified Ads section of the site has been updated. This means the Classifieds now allow the ability for you to upload images, which should make it easier to sell vehicles or parts, and will help keep the image galleries clean from images for adverts. Also now have a section to specifically post ads which include links to ebay auctions, to reduce the chance of classifieds being listed up to 3 weeks longer than the auction was running for.
My home Internet is now working again, so I have been able to print out all relevant information, so all CD's ordered up until 28th June have now been sent out. Also the site currently has the new Google +1 service (read more about it here). The service is meant to help people recommend any useful page or post in a single click. So other people on the Internet know which pages are potentially good or useful, or which ones aren't.