Has been a long time since I promised that it would be released, but have finally managed to release the service manual for the later generation of Cuore / Mira (1998 onwards in the UK) out on CD! It is the current usual price of £15 so come and snatch them up while they are still hot!
The L500 series Cuore / Mira manual will be the next one to be released. You can buy the new Cuore manual here.
Have managed to get the Image Gallery working again! We have had to tweak it slightly how it manipulates the images when they are uploaded so if you submit a picture please keep and eye out the make sure it don't do anything too strange to the picture.
Let the uploadfest of everyone updating their pictures begin
We are currently having problems with uploading images to the image galleries. I hopefully will be able to get it up and running again soon, depending if the problem is with the sites code or the actual server which means i'd have to contact the hosts.
Ok everyone after the poll it seems that the first meet of the site since changing owners and name will be at Langdale Quest! If you are planning on turning up then add a comment saying and maybe helpful to say where you are coming from? For those who are more based in the Midlands (like me) or the south then don't worry the next one hopefully will be more Midlands based, and then one in the south. Which is as fair as I can make it off top of my head.
I am considering making a chatroom for the site. Hopefully accessible via a Java app and a number of chat programs which are available. Ideally it would be open only at certain hours so that we all know that a few of us will be in it at certain times which would mean we can ask eachother for help more directly!
I was wondering if you think this would be a good idea and what hours the chatroom should open for.
I have noticed that a couple of people are still trying to post asking for help and advice as a "story" and not in the forum area where help and be easily found! This is mentioned at the top of the Story Submission page and is the first rule thats mentioned!!!
I am rather ruthless with this fact as the storys go into a moderation queue before being published and if I think that it would be rather suited to the forum I delete the story. So if you have posted a "story" asking for help and its vanished then go to the forum and ask again so people can help you!!
I added a links page about a week ago which all members should be able to add to from your members menu on the right hand side of every page once you are logged in. Thats the one with your username as the title. If you think I am missing any category then feel free to privatemsg me to suggest one!:)
Also I am thinking about adding a review section part to the site so users can write reviews about various things. Eg, about car polishes, parts, "fuel savers", maybe even the vehicles themselves. Then rate them out of say 5 or even 10. I have the module ready to add to the site if people think it is a good idea. Again it would be handy for a couple of suggestions for sections could split it into for the reviews.
The photo gallery has been warming up quite nicely of late - Many thanks to all of you who have taken the time and trouble to send your photos in to us.
With all the hit it seems to get, it's become a victim of it's own success so, in view of this, we've decided to make a few changes, and I have now added some new albums dedicated to individual models, and now you can go direct to the type of vehicle you wish to view, and not have to wade through a mish-mash of various types.
So, in short, there are now 4 albums (initially) - For the F300 (Sporty/Feroza Derivatives), The Fourtrak/Rocky, Cars/commercials/concepts, and finally, something that is proving popular on other car sites which is a page for pics of modifications/work you are doing, or some some pics of a repair you're carrying out. This is particularly useful to others when youve done something like a HG or Cambelt swap so others know what to expect when they've started to strip stuff down.
As you may have noticed a new link in the top menu has appeared called "the vehicles" this is the part of the site which has all the info about each model, branching off into specifications, modifications, FAQ, hint and tips of what to look out for with things that go wrong, etc. Obviously only owning a Sportrak I am having trouble with knowing anything about the other models so if anyone has anything they think could be added then privatemsg me!
The site now supports Private Messaging over the site. You will see in your member box that a new option has appeared called inbox. This obivously will contain any messages sent to you.
To send a message to someone you can do it 2 ways.