Welcome to Daihatsu Drivers. The main site for Daihatsu Owners in the UK. This is a leading resource used by loads of Daihatsu Owners in the UK as well as around the world.

To become a basic member of the site it is simple and it is FREE. You get access to all areas of the site and are able to post on the forum to chat about Daihatsu's, and you are even able to post pictures of your Daihatsu in our gallery so people can instantly view your pride and joy.

Site downtime

As some of you will have noticed the site has been down for the past few days. This was due to a glitch in the database, and as I am away from my own computer at the moment so have been unable to fix it until now.


Moderators wanted

With the increase of spammers and looking at the last time the current Moderators Mike and Dave H last logged in, it is very clear that Mike no longer uses the site as last logged in over 2 years ago, and has been 6 months since Dave H's last login, that need 2 more moderators.


Daihatsu Drivers Clothing and Accessories Store now open!

We are pleased to announce that the Daihatsu Drivers Clothing and Accessories Store is now open. We have a variety of tops for men and women, also accessories such as Umbrella, Scarf, and even some underwear. Smile Visit the store now at http://daihatsu-drivers.spreadshirt.net.


New forum section for Bio Diesel, Veg Oil, and Bio Fuels.

Due to popular demand, a recent increase in posts relating to the subject and the recent interest generally recently in Biodiesel and Bio Fuels, we now have a new forum section relating to Bio-fuels. So if you want to know about, or want to discuss using Bio Diesel and Vegetable Oil in your Diesel Daihatsu, you now have a dedicated place to ask away!


Daihatsu Drivers now on Facebook!

Facebook is an Internet Phenomenon, so its only right that Daihatsu Owners in the UK can chat with eachother, so the Daihatsu Drivers UK group has been born! You can either search for the group within Facebook or if you are already logged in simply click the following link. http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=8179234345


Daihatsu Drivers, iPhone and iPod Touch icon!

Admittedly it probably won't apply to many of you, however since Apple released latest software for iPhone (1.1.3) and iPod Touch, users can now bookmark any site onto their devices main menu. As a result I have created a special icon which will show up rather than a tacky snapshot of the page.


Server Move Completed!

Have now completed the move over to the new server with a new hosting company which should improve any speed issues. Might take upto 72 hours for people to see the site on the new server each time. Have put notice on the old server so if you get that one, you'll know about it. Smile

Have also fixed issue with comments on the new server which didn't spot until people tried to use it. Smile



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